Animals Australia - Animals in Australia

Animals Australia

Australia is home to a huge range of animals, many which are native to Australia and can not be found any where else in the world. With its diverse landscapes such as rain forests, desserts, sub tropical regions, fresh water and salt water lakes and rivers, alpine and mountainous ranges, rural and semi rural and of course suburban and city areas. There is no wonder a huge array of animals call Australia home.

Marsupials are the most common of Australian animals. Marsupials carry their young in a pouch located on the females front. They have their young prematurely and they live and grow in the mothers pouch where the milk is located, here they feed and grow until they are big enough to live and survive out side of the pouch.

Animals in the Marsupial group include the Kangaroo, Wallaby, Koalas, Tasmanian Devils, Wombats and many others.

As well as the huge range of wild Marsupials there is an amazing bird population with species big and small found through out Australia. Possibly the most famous of Australian birds is the flightless and large Emu. The Emu stands at up to 5 foot tall, they are extremely fast runners in fact they have been clocked at 50 kilometers an hour. They are also fantastic swimmers.

Other bird species found in Australia include the Owl, Lyrebird, Lorikeets, Cockatoos, Brolgas, Cassowary, Penguins, Petrels, Shearwaters, Gannets and the stunning Australian Pelican.

A trip to Australia could bring you glances of many of these animals as well as the possibility of seeing Possums, Bandicoots, Echidnas, Sugar Glider and the Quokka if you are heading towards Western Australia.

A holiday to Australia will mean a trip to the many beaches here make sure you see the many marine creatures that call these oceans home such as Humpback Whales as well as many other whale species, Dolphins, Dugong, many tropical fish.

Australia is also home to many sharks including the Great White Sharks, the safest way to see one of these will be at the local Aquarium. If you are heading towards fresh water there may be tours to go and see Crocodiles, this is a great opportunity to see such huge and majestic creatures up close.

With so much Wildlife to see, Australia is an animal lovers paradise.

Animals Australia

Australia is home to a huge range of animals, many which are native to Australia and can not be found any where else in the world. With its diverse landscapes such as rain forests, desserts, sub tropical regions, fresh water and salt water lakes and rivers, alpine and mountainous ranges, rural and semi rural and of course suburban and city areas. There is no wonder a huge array of animals call Australia home.

Marsupials are the most common of Australian animals. Marsupials carry their young in a pouch located on the females front. They have their young prematurely and they live and grow in the mothers pouch where the milk is located, here they feed and grow until they are big enough to live and survive out side of the pouch.

Animals in the Marsupial group include the Kangaroo, Wallaby, Koalas, Tasmanian Devils, Wombats and many others.

As well as the huge range of wild Marsupials there is an amazing bird population with species big and small found through out Australia. Possibly the most famous of Australian birds is the flightless and large Emu. The Emu stands at up to 5 foot tall, they are extremely fast runners in fact they have been clocked at 50 kilometers an hour. They are also fantastic swimmers.

Other bird species found in Australia include the Owl, Lyrebird, Lorikeets, Cockatoos, Brolgas, Cassowary, Penguins, Petrels, Shearwaters, Gannets and the stunning Australian Pelican.

A trip to Australia could bring you glances of many of these animals as well as the possibility of seeing Possums, Bandicoots, Echidnas, Sugar Glider and the Quokka if you are heading towards Western Australia.

A holiday to Australia will mean a trip to the many beaches here make sure you see the many marine creatures that call these oceans home such as Humpback Whales as well as many other whale species, Dolphins, Dugong, many tropical fish.

Australia is also home to many sharks including the Great White Sharks, the safest way to see one of these will be at the local Aquarium. If you are heading towards fresh water there may be tours to go and see Crocodiles, this is a great opportunity to see such huge and majestic creatures up close.

With so much Wildlife to see, Australia is an animal lovers paradise.

Animals in Australia

Australia is blessed with a diverse range of animals and wildlife. Australia is also the only continent that is occupied by all three classes of mammals (i.e. monotremes, marsupials and placentals). Many animals that inhabit the continent are unique to Australia, this means that you cannot see them anywhere else in the world!

Australia is particularly famous for its marsupials and monotremes. These animals are able to survive in Australia because there are no natural predators on this isolated continent. Marsupials compose the largest group of mammals in Australia, they are special mammals that raise their young in a pouch and most of the 140 marsupial species are found only in Australia, these animals include the koalas, wombats, wallabies, gliders, possums, kangaroos, bilbies, bandicoots, numbats, Tasmanian devils and the marsupial moles. As for the monotremes, they are unique because they are the only mammals that lay eggs, animals that you can find that fall into this category are the platypuses and the echidnas, these are the two particularly unique species found in Australia.

Animals in Australia

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