Education Australia

Education Australia

Free Australian Education Consulting

Ready to embark on your educational journey to Australia? Explore our website to discover your options, or get in touch with our team today to start planning your future with Go To Australia!

Australian Education Guidelines

The AQF is Australia’s national tertiary education system, comprising 10 different levels. Qualifications are nationally accredited and recognized internationally across various industries, allowing students to progress from one level to the next based on their visa requirements.

The National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR) acknowledges qualifications that you’ve completed in other countries prior to studying in Australia.

Consumer Protection for International Students

Government-registered institutions

All Australian education providers who teach international students must register for the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

There are also extra laws which require education providers to adhere to strict codes of conduct. For education providers who are legitimately registered to enrol students, a set of rigorous standards are applied.

All enlisted English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) suppliers in Australia are bound by the National English Language Training Accreditation Scheme (NEAS). The Scheme is internationally-acknowledged as the top standard for English language tuition, and is consequently being used around the world.

Guaranteed quality assurance

All institutions adhere to a legally-enforceable National Code of Practice 2007, which sets first-rate standards and assurances in the areas of syllabus, qualifications of teachers and student facilities.

Student protection

Institutions must support international students in adjusting to study and life in Australia, achieving their learning goals and achieving the learning outcome of their courses.

When choosing a study destination overseas there are a number of important things to think about before reaching your decision. Australia has a world-class education and training system, which welcomes students from other countries.

Students go to Australia from many countries because of the high standard of education offered and because Australia is an attractive, friendly, beautiful and safe place to live.

The Australian Government and Australian education and training providers have joined forces to establish the Australian International Education Foundation (AIEF) to promote internationally the high quality and standard of education, training and research opportunities which Australia has to offer. The partnership embodied in the AIEF reflects the commitment from all parties to promote and deliver quality education and training services and to pursue excellence in international study and research.

Australian education institutions offer a broad spectrum of courses ranging from English language training at school to advanced areas of post-doctoral work. There are also opportunities for international students, teachers and university staff to undertake study or research in Australia through award and exchange arrangements. Flexible programs of study, which can combine English language courses with study in other fields, are also available to cater to the diverse needs of international students.

Australia compares very favourably with other more traditional destinations considered by international students. In 2018, nearly 800,000 students from over many countries came to study in Australia.

Consumer protection

Australia commits to providing quality education and training to international students, but you might still encounter some issues with your course and institutions, the government has enacted a number of laws to ensure your protection at these times and is important that you understand your rights.  These laws like ESOS under the Education services for overseas students means the institution is there to help the student in the translation of the environment and with any other issues that might develop. The ESOS legislation provides consumer protection if a student or institution defaults on a course.  It protects against a refund of course money to the student or if is not possible a placement into an alternative course through a Tuition Assurance Scheme, for example, according to the Australian government guide for international students.

Course information

Institutions must ensure that the marketing materials, like brochures and handbooks are available students and are accurate and up to date.

Before a Confirmation of Enrolment, the institution must prove course related information such as:

  1. The course content and duration
  2. The qualification it leads to
  3. Teaching and assessment methods
  4. English language requirements
  5. Previous work experience or educational qualifications required for admittance
  6. Requirements for course completion
  7. Course related fees
  8. The facilities and learning resources related to the delivery of the course
  9. Student support services

This includes:

Counseling, orientation, answering questions, academic progress, professional assistance, personal life support, accommodation, information for further studies.


If you concerns about your courses or institution you should first try to discuss them with your education provider.  The international office at your institution can advise you on the best way to handle your concerns.

What your International Office can do for you

Your International Office is a great place to being looking for help, from setting up a bank account to sorting out your enrolment.  You should introduce yourself the first opportunity that you get, even right after you arrive in Australia and starting making good use of their services for students just like you.  The more you pass by the more they will get to you and remember you and it’s a good reference to have in the future.  Your institution will also have student counselors who you can talk to if you are having problems adjusting or just need to go to someone for advice on courses or institutional related.

As an international student you have access to a range of services.  Students have special support offices to help find their transition a little easier and their experience is always at the end a little more rewarding.


International Student Advisors (ISAs) in your International Office will guide new international students through orientation programs designed to help them understand the Australian education system and become more familiar with the campus, support services and clubs.  They will explain the institution’s structure and governance, Australian culture and general issues associated with living in a new country.

Don’t be afraid to talk to your International Offices student counsellor at any time. All discussions are strictly confidential.

Students with disabilities

Institutions offer services for student who require a little more assistance with their studies due to a disability or chronic medical condition.  These may include voice recognition software, hearing aids, or note taking services are more than settled into the environment with assistance from the school and institutions, to see if you qualify just contact your institution immediately.

Australian Education Advantages

Discover the Land Down Under with Go To Australia, your ultimate guide to education opportunities in one of the world’s most captivating destinations. Whether you’re dreaming of studying at renowned universities, enhancing your career prospects through vocational education, or experiencing the vibrant Australian lifestyle firsthand, we’re here to make your journey seamless and unforgettable.

Australia boasts a world-class education system renowned for its excellence, innovation, and inclusivity. From cutting-edge research facilities to hands-on practical training, our institutions offer a diverse range of programs designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

At Go To Australia, we understand the significance of selecting the right educational pathway tailored to your goals and aspirations. Our comprehensive platform provides valuable insights, resources, and support services to help you navigate the intricacies of studying abroad and make informed decisions every step of the way.

Expert Guidance

Our team of experienced education consultants is dedicated to providing personalized assistance to students from all backgrounds. Whether you need help with course selection, visa applications, or accommodation arrangements, we're here to offer guidance and support tailored to your individual needs.

Extensive Network

With partnerships with leading universities, colleges, and educational institutions across Australia, we offer access to a diverse range of programs and opportunities suited to your academic interests and career aspirations.

Student Support

Moving to a new country can be daunting, which is why we provide ongoing support to ensure your transition to student life in Australia is smooth and hassle-free. From pre-departure orientations to on-the-ground assistance, we're committed to helping you feel welcomed and supported throughout your academic journey.

Explore Australia

Beyond the classroom, Australia offers a wealth of experiences waiting to be explored. From pristine beaches and breathtaking landscapes to vibrant cities buzzing with culture and creativity, there's no shortage of adventures to embark on during your time here.

Australian Education Options

ELICOS, which stands for English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students, adheres to strict national standards and industry-led quality assurance frameworks. Australia offers various ELICOS courses tailored to students’ proficiency levels.

  • Academic Year Dates:
    • Length: From five weeks to 60 weeks, depending on proficiency level
    • Semesters per Year: Year divided into blocks of ELICOS weeks
    • Start Date: Throughout the year

Australia warmly welcomes international students aged five years and older, including children of tertiary-level international students. The country is home to a diverse range of government and private schools, known for their excellence globally. Fees and entry requirements vary across states, territories, and institutions.

  • Academic Year Dates:
    • Length: 13 years in total (Kindergarten/Preparatory to Year 12)
    • Terms per Year: Four, with breaks between each term
    • Start Date: Late January/early February

Pathway studies serve students who don’t meet direct entry requirements for Australian universities. These courses offer essential skills necessary for undergraduate higher education programs and may include English language preparation, VET qualifications, and Foundation studies.

  • Academic Year Dates:
    • Length: Typically 1 year (some longer)
    • Semesters: Varies by course
    • Starts: Usually in February, but may vary

VET is offered by Australian Government-owned TAFE institutes and private registered training organizations. These institutions provide practical courses designed to prepare students for over 500 different careers, often incorporating work placements or workplace-based learning.

  • Academic Year Dates:
    • Length: 1 to 4 years
    • Semesters: 2 (or 4 terms)
    • Starts: Late January/early February (varies by course)

Australian universities and non-university higher education providers offer undergraduate and postgraduate studies, including Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees, along with Graduate Diplomas and Certificates. These qualifications are nationally accredited and internationally recognized.

  • University Academic Year Dates:
    • Undergraduate (Bachelor Level):

      • Length: Typically 3 years (4 years for Honours)
      • Semesters: 2 (some providers offer trimesters)
      • Starts: Usually March, with mid-year options
    • Postgraduate:

      • Length: 1 to 2 years
      • Semesters: 2 (some offer trimesters)
      • Starts: Typically March, with variations
    • Doctoral:

      • Length: 3 years (+1 for review)
      • Semesters: Flexible, with academic supervision
      • Starts: Negotiated with supervisor

The Education System in Australia

Australia’s education system stands tall on the global stage, renowned for its high academic standards and international recognition. At Go To Australia Education Portal, we serve as your gateway to over 5000 articles offering reliable information about training and education opportunities across the country.

Why Choose Australia for Education?

Australia’s education system presents invaluable opportunities for international students and interns seeking both academic and personal growth. With English as the primary language of instruction, students find themselves in a familiar yet challenging environment conducive to their educational journey.

International Study Programs and Work Experience

International students are encouraged to explore a variety of study programs tailored to their interests and goals. Whether it’s high school, language school, college, or university study, Australia offers accredited programs that align with global standards. Moreover, internationals have the chance to engage in enriching work experience programs, enhancing their learning experience and career prospects.

Government Oversight and Accreditation

Rest assured, all international education programs in Australia are accredited and closely monitored by the Australian Government. This ensures that the quality of education and cost transparency remain paramount, providing peace of mind to students and their families.

Expert Guidance and Support Services

Our team of Australia experts is dedicated to providing free education advice and assistance throughout the enrollment process. Whether you’re planning to study, holiday, or work in Australia, we offer comprehensive support services to ensure a smooth transition and memorable experience.

Ready to Start Your Australian Educational Journey?

Explore our website to discover a wealth of resources and insights into education opportunities in Australia. From program recommendations to visa assistance, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Embark on your educational adventure with confidence, guided by Go To Australia Education Portal.

Considering studying abroad? Look no further than Australia. With a world-class education system catering to diverse interests, Australia offers an unparalleled learning experience. Whether your passion lies in business, science, arts, or beyond, rest assured, you’ll find a reputable university across the continent, equipped with expert faculty and cutting-edge resources to nurture your growth.

But it’s not just about academics. Studying in Australia promises an adventure like no other. From its stunning landscapes to vibrant cities, you’ll inevitably fall in love with the Aussie way of life.

What makes Australia even more enticing is its favorable cost of living and multicultural society. Here, international students thrive, gaining not only academic excellence but also independence and self-development.

Did you know? Around half of the world’s international students choose Australia for their studies. And with good reason. With the freedom to work up to 48 hours per fortnight during semesters and full-time during breaks, students can significantly contribute to their tuition fees while gaining valuable work experience.

Worried about quality assurance? Fear not. Australia’s Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS) ensures that educational institutions maintain the highest standards. So, when you choose to study in Australia, you can trust that you’re receiving nothing short of the best.

Moreover, numerous support services are available to assist students in transitioning to life in Australia. From accommodation assistance to cultural integration programs, we’ve got you covered every step of the way.

Ready to embark on your Australian educational journey? Let us guide you towards a brighter future. Choose education in Australia and unlock endless possibilities.

Immigration Australia

The Australian school system is divided into public schools and private schools. In each system are two levels of schools, primary and secondary schools. The primary school, referred to as “elementary”, usually comprises the grades of prep year through the seventh grade.

Secondary school, called “high school”, normally offers education from the eight through the twelfth grade. Progression from one grade to another and from one level of school to the next is predicated on successful completion of the previous grade or school.

Graduation from each grade and from each level of school takes place upon successful completion of required course work. There is no comprehensive examination required for passing from year to year or for graduation. High school graduation is regarded as the end of basic education and follows the completion of the twelfth grade. Basic education is compulsory in all states, and, depending on the state, a child is required to attend school until the age of 16. High school graduation is not mandatory.

Colleges offers the next two years after high school and is generally accepted as equivalent to two years of college.

Senior Secondary Education Australia

Most international students enter the Australian school system in the final two years of high school, Years 11 and 12. Successful completion of these two years prepares students for further study at technical institutes or universities in Australia.

Study Senior Secondary Education 

Are you thinking about getting into an Australian high school, are you a parent concerned about your child future success, or are you simply thinking of doing something different – our Senior Secondary Education Advisor for Australia will answer your questions! Senior Secondary School covers the last two years of secondary education in Australia, and is the best pathway for entering an Australian university. What’s more, Australian schools provide a standard and quality of education equal to the best in the world. They take into account the needs, talents and interests of individual students and offer excellent support services.  The syllabus between public and private schools has only minor variations.

In any school you will take a public (external) exam at the end of Year 12 which indicates satisfactory completion of secondary education.  Senior Secondary schools in Australia teach compulsory as well as elective courses. Around two thirds of secondary school students attend government secondary schools and one third attend private or independent schools.

Compulsory subjects include:

* English
* Mathematics
* Humanities (History and Geography)
* Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry)
* Foreign Languages (European and/or Asian)
* Physical Education

Elective courses vary from school to school, and might include classes such as:

* Art
* Drama
* Music
* An expanded choice of foreign languages, technical and business subjects

Academic year / school terms

The school year is divided into four terms and runs from late January/early February until December. There is a short holiday between terms and a long summer holiday in December and January.

Students attend school from Monday to Friday each week. School hours vary slightly across Australia but are generally from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm each school day.

Average Tuition Costs
$A6 000 – $A13 000 per year

Secondary education is the stage of education following primary school. Secondary schools are generally the final stage of compulsory education. The next stage of education is usually TAFE, private college or university.

Secondary Schools Australia – Student Age

Year 7: 12-13 year olds (ACT, NSW, TAS, and VIC,) Middle School NT
Year 8: 13-14 year olds
Year 9: 14-15 year olds
Year 10: 15-16 year olds (high school NT)
Year 11: 16-17 year olds
Year 12: 17-18 year olds

NB: In some states students may be slightly younger, it varies between states. Some Independent schools also vary in whether grade 7 is secondary or primary as well as the existence of middle school.

Secondary students in Australia are required to complete 12 years of schooling, including a preparatory year. Year 12 students can obtain a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education that is nationally recognised for the purpose of admission to universities, TAFE colleges & Technical Institutes. Students may also be eligible for admission to international universities since Australia’s qualifications framework is renowned internationally.

The key learning areas in Australian secondary schools are English & Maths, Study of Society & The Environment, Science, Foreign Languages, Technology, Health & Physical Education. These are the priority areas as identified by the Australian Federal government.

Students can use their final year qualification to gain entry to universities & colleges. Others may choose to attend schooling that is complemented by vocational training in order to better prepare themselves for the job market. If you wish to study at an Australian secondary school, it is highly recommended that you first consult a trained education counsellor in order to make an informed choice. The AA Education Network offers the services of a trained counsellor with indepth knowledge of the Australian secondary system.

Australia is a provider of high quality schooling

We are devoted to maintaining and improving their international position as a renowned quality education provider. Australia manages this by only appointing qualified and registered teachers in Australian schools. The teaching staff are also provided with ongoing professional development to enhance their skills. Furthermore, the Australian government ensures its high standard of teachers, teaching materials, curricula and school facilities by conducting rigorous and ongoing quality checks on all schools in Australia.

Australia’s national educational delivery standards are world class. Australia always maintains high standards of delivery. The systems of education may vary by degrees from state to state, but the curriculum conforms to high national benchmarks that are the norm in every state throughout Australia. Australia’s numerous international schools are accredited on the basis of providing specialist English courses in Australia to international students.

Effective teaching and learning style

The teaching and learning style is highly interactive in Australian schools. Students are encouraged to develop their confidence and to develop their communication, interpersonal and problem solving skills. Students learn about self discipline and how to respect themselves, others and the society. Students are active participants in the learning process because students interact and receive regular feedback from their teachers about their progress, needs and their in-class behaviour.

National Curriculum

All Australian schools, both public and private, follow the national curriculum framework which includes eight key learning areas, and they are:

Society and Environment studies;
Languages other than English (LOTE); and
Personal development, health and physical education.

In addition to the eight key learning areas as described, all students will also receive education in the area of cultural and linguistic diversity. In these studies, students will begin to understand the value and the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity not only in the Australian society but also in other parts of the world.

On top of all the compulsory subjects as described above, students also have other specialised subjects available to them for selection. The subjects available may differ according to the particular school and state of which you are at. However, you can usually expect subjects such as drama, computing and graphic design etc.

As well as classes, students are usually required to participate in study periods, physical education classes, sex education and development classes, chapel services (if the school has a religious influence), and interschool sporting competitions.


Australia is a young, vibrant and safe place to be. Australia has low crime rates and it is also a harmonious and multicultural society where cultural and linguistic diversity is celebrated. Australians are very friendly and helpful people with a great sense of humour. Australians are also very dedicated to preserving their natural resources. So, since most of Australia is sunny all year round, it is therefore an everyday occurrence to see many Australians enjoying outdoor activities such as surfing, biking and fishing in the clean and beautiful mountains, rivers, forest and oceans all across Australia.

The lifestyle of an Australian high school student, especially in the last few years of study, is an even mix of challenging schoolwork, extra-curricular responsibilities, part time work, and an active social life.

Australian students attend school from Monday to Friday every week; the school day usually starts around 8.20am and finishes at 3.30pm.

During the weekend, most Australian students usually have a healthy social and family life. Most weekends include birthday parties or social functions, as well as more casual social outings including going to the movies, cafes, and the beach with friends. During the final year of high school, most Australian students turn 18, which is considered quite a milestone in Australia as being 18 years old allows you to obtain a drivers license, legally drink alcohol, and vote. For these reasons, students usually choose to have 18th birthday celebrations on weekends, which is seen by many as a highlight to the final year of their schooling, and a refreshing comparison to the demanding school work hours they have every week.

Parent Involvement

Parents of all students attending Australian schools have open access to information regarding the well-being and progress of their child. This may come in forms of either quarterly or annually reports on their childs’ academic performance, and some can even provide comparison of the childs’ results against national standards.

Most Australian high schools aim to cater for all types of learners and abilities. Discipline and strictness varies, some schools are by definition the ‘tough’ high schools.

What differentiate schools are the unique cultures, philosophies, learning environments and facilities, especially sports and computer facilities.

Typically there is a tendency for schools to rely on parent participation: help with tuck shop, excursions and fund raising, in some cases, for even some basics equipment such as air conditioning. Parents also do need to equip their children with uniforms, sports kits, books and lunch.

Australian High Schools are typically resourceful and can point you in the right direction if your children have adjustment difficulties, learning difficulties, behavioural adjustment issues or you need more family help.

Extra curricular activities

Some students will choose to participate in extra curricular activities, which is a good way to take a break from study. Extra curricular activities can include sport teams, such as Australian rules, basketball, swimming teams, soccer and netball. In year 10 and 11, some students will choose to take on part time work on a weekend or after school to earn extra money. However, a school generally does not encourage part time work during year 12, as the school prefers students to be 100% committed to studies.

The Australian school curriculum offers a wide range of cultural, artistic and sporting opportunities. We recommend that you communicate with us what your prefered extra curriculum activities are so that we can try our best to select and place you in a school that already offer them.

However, if you did not notify us prior to placement or if you have just discovered a new activity that you would like to take part in while you are at your host school, you can still communicate this to your host school because arrangements can usually be made for you to do the activity outside of school.

Private tuition and elite programs may also be arranged through your host school should you be interested.

Vocational Education and Training in Schools

In Australian high schools, there are job-specific courses which cater to the needs of the industrial sector. The teen students are provided with hands-on learning so that they find better employment opportunities and career pathways in Australia.

Vocational training has increasingly become prevalent in Australian schools. Many schools have realised the potential that vocational training can bring to students lives.

Such courses provide students with useful work skills and at the same time give them a holistic education that will benefit them in times to come.

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Please note that most Internships in Australia are unpaid

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