Our Online Journalism Jobs

Our Online journalism jobs are for people who have either German or English as their native language or speak these languages ​​so well that they can write articles in perfect grammar and without spelling mistakes.

The Online Writer's job is to write articles for our websites. These articles refer to either education, travel or other important information about Australia or New Zealand. The appropriate topics or projects are usually given to you by an AA Education Network employee. However, if you would also like to be able to write something on an independently chosen areas - which are related to the topic - you should discuss this in advance with us.

Decide independently when and how many hours you work. Your area of ​​responsibility includes research and processing of topics as well as the rewriting or translation of existing texts. If your job involves traveling, you are welcome to use local or national tourism sites as sources. If you have anything to write about education, it's best to visit universities or government education sites.

The words must be unique and have a proper linguistic level. Apart from these requirements, all you need is a computer, internet connection and enjoy writing. There are no fixed working hours so you can work as many hours as you want.

If your work meet the requirements, you will get paid based on the word count. At the end of each month, you can post an invoice for your written articles.

The item you write for us become the property of AA Education Network and therefore must be compliant with the prevailing copyright regulations.


If you are interested in this work, please write an article of about 200 words about education in Australia or New Zealand and send it to info@gotoaustralia.com.au.

We are looking for travelers who want to write about their experiences!

Are you or are you planning to travel through Australia with a working holiday visa in Australia? You could easily report on your experiences and apply for a travel journalism job. You can travel around the country and publish your experiences in our blogs, forums and on our websites and get paid for it right away.

You can work from home, on the road, a hotel, a hostel, or an internet cafe, as long as you have access to a computer with internet access.

It does not matter what topic you write about. You can report a trip, a trip or your accommodation search. Maybe you've met special places you want to share with other people or give tips on how to get rides or meals cheaply.

Your experience can help others decide on the same journey and take the step for adventure. There are various methods of companies to be paid for his reports. Often you pay for each item or even for the number of words.

This is mostly the case with websites such as communities, which are mainly concerned with the subject of Australia, and journalists looking for new amounts to further their up-and-coming platform and keep them up to date.


Please send us an email to info@gotoustralia.com.au


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Please note that most Internships in Australia are unpaid

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