Study Australia

Tourism Course Australia

Certificate III in Tourism (Operations)

Course Length: 6 months (26 weeks)

The Certificate III in Tourism (Operations) is designed to reflect the role of individuals who work in a tourism context, perform a range of skilled tasks using discretion and judgement, and who have the ability to select, adapt and transfer skills to different situations. This qualification is ideally suited to those wishing to gain knowledge and skills which will enable them to obtain employment in the Tourism sector, or those who wish to have their skills and knowledge formally recognised.

Entry Requirement

The prerequisite for entering this course is either the satisfactory completion of Year 10 English or an IELTS score of 5.5 (or equivalent).

Career and study pathway

Successful completion of this qualification may lead to further study such as the Diploma of Tourism (Operations Management), Advanced Diploma of Tourism Management or employment with a tourism business requiring multiskilled employees, specialist attractions (eg wineries,
museums, agricultural or industrial sites), tour operators, or cruise operations.

Units of Competency

This qualification requires students to complete 13 units of competency (9 Core units + 4 Elective units). Students who have already completed appropriate units elsewhere may have them credited towards the Diploma of Tourism (Operations Management) via the Mutual Recognition
process. (More information on appropriate units that may be credited towards this qualification is available upon request).

Core Units

THHGCS01B Develop and update local knowledge
THHGCS02B Promote products and services to customers
THHGCS03B Deal with conflict situations*
THTTCO01B Develop and update tourism industry knowledge
THHCOR01B Work with colleagues & customers *
THHCOR02B Work in a socially diverse environment *
THHCOR03B Follow health, safety and security procedures *
THHGGA01B Communicate on the telephone *

Elective Units

Nine (9) units with at least four (4) from one or more of the areas of the Tourism Training

Package specified below:

  • Attractions and Theme Parks
  • Guiding
  • Meetings and Events
  • Tour Operations
  • Sales/Office Operations
  • Wine Tourism

Remaining units may be selected from any relevant endorsed Training Package. Only one language unit may be counted as an elective within this qualification.

We recommend students choose from the list below:

Customer Service, Sales and Marketing
THHGCS02B Promote products and services to customers
THTSMA01B Coordinate the production of brochures and marketing materials
Leadership and Management
THHGLE05B Roster Staff
THHGLE07B Recruit and select staff
THHGLE19B Develop and implement a business plan
Meetings and Events
BSBMGT501A Market services and concepts to internal customers
CUEFIN01B Develop a budget
CUEFIN02B Manage a budget
Planning and Product Development
THTPPD13B Assess tourism opportunities for local communities
THTPPD14B Develop and implement local/regional tourism plan
Sales/Office Operations
THTSOP02B Source and provide destination information and advice
THTSOP03B Access and interpret product information

Program Structure

All core units will be taught to students first, units with * will be taught in a large group along with those students completing Diploma of Tourism students as and then the elective units will be taught. The core units may be taught separately or grouped into some clusters, depending upon the resources available. All elective units of competency are to be taught separately as students may choose which units they will participate in. The duration for this course will only be offered as 6 months of study.

Tourism Courses Australia

What are the highlights of studying with NMIT Tourism?

Victorian Tourism Award Winners

In 2007 NMIT Tourism’s dedication to delivering quality training in travel and Tourism was recognised when we were awarded the Melbourne Airport 2007 Victorian Tourism Award for excellence in tourism education and training.

Dynamic Learning Environment

Modern facilities, small group classes, off-campus experiences, guest speakers and hands-on learning opportunities ensure NMIT Tourism offers a dynamic learning environment. All tourism trainers have a passion for travel and tourism. They come from a broad cross-section of the tourism industry and have years of experience as well as training and teaching qualifications.

NMIT Tourism Mentor Program

NMIT Tourism is the first Australian TAFE department to introduce an official tourism mentor program. The mentor program matches successful professionals from the travel, tourism and events industry with students interested in the same sector of industry.

Tourism Employment Seminar

Each September the NMIT event management team stage the NMIT Tourism Employment Seminar (TES); an inspiring one-day seminar that brings industry professionals together with NMIT Tourism students.

Day Tour Program

NMIT Tourism marketing students manage an annual day tour program for the department. Students work as a team to develop, coordinate and deliver a range of day tours that are attended by all students from NMIT Tourism. Students are required to work to a strict budget and are responsible for: market research, site inspections, catering, transport, entertainment and evaluation.

Off-campus Experiences

NMIT Tourism believes that training cannot be confined to a classroom. Students are given the broadest exposure to the tourism industry through many off-campus experiences. Field trips, site visits, attendance at conferences and participation in events are built into the training program.

Industry Placement

Timetables are structured to include one day a week for students to dedicate towards industry placement opportunities. Industry placement bridges the gap between study and work, with students often moving straight from graduation into a full-time position.

Advanced Diploma of Tourism

Advanced Diploma of Tourism (including the Diploma of Tourism, Certificate IV inTourism, Certificate III in Tourism (Retail Sales) and Certificate III in Events)

This course offers participants training in highly specialised tourism management.

Graduates will be qualified to join the expanding international tourism industry.

Year 1
Certificate III in Events
Certificate III in Tourism (Retail Sales)

The tourism component provides participants with a range of well developed retail travel sales and operational skills. The qualification is relevant to shopfront or retail office environments where customer travel and tourism arrangements are planned and information assistance is provided.

The events component provides participants with a range of well developed event operational skills. The qualification is relevant to operational areas of the events industry.

The focus is on developing practical skills in real events Students will study:

Tourism products and destination information
Event registration and staging support
Tourism industry knowledge
Online information systems
Event registration and staging support
Develop conference programs
Manage event staging

Year 2
Semester 1
Certificate IV in Tourism
Diploma of Tourism

This course provides participants with a range of business and management
skills essential for operating successful tourism operations.

Students will study:

Researching, assessing and developing tourism products
Financial Management
Human resource management

Year 2
Semester 2
Advanced Diploma of Tourism
The course will develop strategic, operational, planning, communication, sales,
marketing skills relevant to all types of tourism environments Students will study:

Operational planning
Tourism business planning
Developing business relationships


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