Blackburn High School

Blackburn High School

  • Address: 60 Springfield Road, Blackburn, Victoria 3130
  • Distance from Melbourne: 16 km
  • Principal: Mrs Barbara Grant
  • International Student Coordinator: Mr Max Garrard
  • Number of students: 720
  • Number of international students: 40
  • Gender: Co-ed
  • VCE Results
  • VCE completion : 98%
  • University offers : 73%
  • TAFE/VET offers : 19%

Blackburn High School aims for the highest academic outcomes for our confident, resilient young adults.  We provide multi-level support by highly qualified and experienced teachers and support staff.  Students are carefully monitored with regular constructive reporting to parents.

Leadership skills are encouraged through a wide range of extracurricular activities. English- speaking homestays provide a secure home environment with excellent opportunities for English learning development. We select students from many countries, both Asian and European.


Languages taught

  • French
  • German


Intensive English Language provided

  • At nearby English Language Centre


Special programs

  • Outstanding instrumental and ensemble music program
  • Nationally awarded sport program
  • Outstanding mathematics, science and business programs
  • Interschool debating and academic competitions
  • Senior study classes
  • After-school homework sessions
  • Career and tertiary education counselling
  • Victorian School of Languages on campus



Popular sports

  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Hockey
  • Tennis
  • Baseball



Special facilities

  • Senior science centre
  • Specialist music instrumental/ensemble/
  • soiree performance facilities
  • Library/resource centre
  • State-of-the-art learning technology whiteboards in classrooms
  • Computer pods and wireless access to school intranet
  • Computer graphics centre  
  • VCE study centre
  • Attractively landscaped/extensive outdoor sports grounds

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