Camberwell High School

Camberwell High School

Camberwell High School Information

  • Address: Prospect Hill Road, Canterbury, Victoria 3146
  • Distance from Melbourne: 10 km
  • Principal: Ms Elida Brereton
  • International Student Coordinator: Paula Stocker/Isabelle McKenzie
  • Number of students: 1200
  • Number of international students: 5
  • Gender: Co-ed
  • VCE Results
  • VCE completion : 98%
  • University offers : 75%
  • TAFE/VET offers : 23%

Established in 1941, Camberwell High School is highly regarded for its academic excellence, extracurricular activities and well-established, successful international student program. Effective and responsive teaching provides a safe educational environment, incorporating the latest learning technologies.

All international students progress to university and other tertiary courses. International students are well supported by specialised staff and experienced homestay providers to ensure that they succeed at their chosen studies and careers.     


Languages taught

  • French
  • Indonesian
  • Chinese  (first language)



Intensive English Language provided

  • At nearby English Language School



Special programs

  • Study support program for international students
  • Strong student leadership programs
  • Accelerated studies available in most learning areas
  • Extensive music program with many bands and orchestras
  • House competitions (music, sport, drama, debating)
  • Participation in state, national and international academic competitions
  • Sporting competitions at local and state level



Popular sports

  • Basketball
  • Badminton
  • Soccer
  • Table Tennis
  • Golf



Special facilities

  • Extensive IT facilities (more than 240 networked computers with internet)
  • Modern and well- equipped classrooms
  • Specialist classrooms including science laboratories, and arts and technology rooms
  • VCE study centre
  • Music centre including recording studio
  • Drama studio
  • Multipurpose assembly hall
  • Modern sports hall and gymnasium


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