Dromana Secondary College

Dromana Secondary College Information

  • Address: 110 Harrisons Road, Dromana, Victoria 3936
  • Distance from Melbourne: 60 km
  • Principal: Alan Marr
  • International Student Coordinator: Simon Jones
  • Number of students: 850
  • Number of international students: 5
  • Gender: Co-ed
  • VCE Results
  • VCE completion : 96%
  • University offers : 52%
  • TAFE/VET offers : 29%

Located on the Mornington Peninsula, Dromana Secondary College caters for approximately 850 students. The college continues to be proud of its reputation for providing a broad curriculum and flexible learning, environment  to accommodate the different interests, aspirations and backgrounds of its student population.

Our highly skilled and passionate staff endeavour to ensure that all students engage fully with their learning and strive to develop a range of skills and values that will hold them in good stead to experience successful, rewarding and fulfilling lives.

Languages taught

  • Indonesian
  • Japanese



Intensive English Language provided

  • At nearby English Language Centre



Special programs

  • St Johns Cadets
  • VET Hospitality
  • VET Information Technology
  • VET Building and Construction
  • Water awareness
  • College musical
  • Junior student Notebook program
  • Annual Readers and Writers Festival  
  • Debating and public speaking  
  • Outdoor education and a partnership with Monash University



Popular sports

  • Swimming
  • Netball
  • Surfing
  • Athletics
  • Football



Special facilities

  • 14 hectares of land with rural and coastal outlooks
  • All-purpose, all-weather sports courts
  • Dance studio
  • Hospitality centre with commercial facilities
  • $4 million technology centre (under construction)
  • Designated Junior and Senior learning areas

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