Rosebud Secondary College

Rosebud Secondary College

Rosebud Secondary College Information

  • Address: 245 Eastbourne Road, Rosebud, Victoria 3939
  • Distance from Melbourne: 60 km
  • Principal: Mr Bryan Ridgeway
  • International Student Coordinator: Ms Vivienne Keogh
  • Number of students: 1460
  • Number of international students: 6
  • Gender: Co-ed
  • VCE Results
  • VCE completion : 94%
  • University offers : 73%
  • TAFE/VET offers : 29%

Rosebud is in a seaside location on the edge of Port Phillip Bay. The college enjoys a well-earned reputation in the southern Peninsula community. There is a rich tradition of academic, sporting and performing arts successes.

This tradition has continued in recent years with the development of cultural and student exchange programs that are a model for many schools and include a strong sister school relationship with Gamagori-Higashi Senior High School in Japan.

Languages taught
Intensive English Language provided

  • At nearby English Language Centre  



Special programs

  • Academic acceleration
  • High achievers program
  • University enhancement
  • Scholarship programs in academic, sport/performing arts  
  • Special Year 9 program
  • Extensive student leadership opportunities
  • Student mentoring
  • Chaplains  
  • Welfare counsellors
  • College nurse
  • Careers advisors
  • Workplace opportunities and programs closely linked with local community


Popular sports

  • Surfing
  • Basketball
  • Golf  
  • Athletics
  • Baseball



Special facilities

  • Resource centre/Internet facilities
  • Community/College basketball complex
  • Senior student centre and cafeteria
  • New science laboratories
  • New visual art and technology facilities
  • New performing arts/music rooms and performing arts complex  
  • Leadership programs linked to community
  • Diving and marine biology


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