Postgraduate Australia - Postgraduate Courses in Australia
Postgraduate Studies in Australia

Postgraduate Studies Australia
Graduate Certificates extend a student's knowledge in a specialist area. They are sometimes oriented toward advanced practical skills required in specialist industries where that specialisation is not covered in a Bachelor's degree. Graduate Certificates involve six months of full-time study or an equivalent part-time commitment. As the name implies, Graduate Certificates are for students who have already completed a Bachelor's degree in an approved field.
Graduate Diploma Bachelor's degree.
Graduate Diplomas are a more in-depth version of a Graduate Certificate. They sometimes provide a means for people to move into a different field of expertise from what was covered in their Bachelor degree.
A Master's degree aims to broaden students' knowledge gained from undergraduate studies, extend professional skills and allow people to change career directions. Very popular are MBA Degrees.
There are two main types of Master's degrees: coursework or research orientated.
Master's degrees usually require a Bachelor Honours degree or a Bachelor degree with a Master's qualifying course or a Graduate Diploma. Â
Professional Doctorate & Phd
Professional doctorates are offered to allow experienced professionals to return to study, to improve their professional practice through the application of research on current problems and issues.
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)
The Doctor of Philosophy program fosters the development of independent research skills and the ability to relate a specific research topic to a broad framework of knowledge. Admission is normally granted on the basis of a Bachelor degree with honours or a Master's degree.
Other qualifications may be considered for entry.
A full-time candidate should aim to submit a thesis for examination in three to four years, part-time candidates in five to six years.

MBA Australia

PhD Australia

Graduate Diploma Australia

Graduate Certificate Australia

Master Australia
Postgraduate in Australia
Australia is a very popular country to study. Around 50% of all international students from over 80 countries are studying at Australian universities.
Students and their dependants can apply for permission to work after their course commences, and are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week whilst the course is running.
During semester breaks international students are allowed to work full-time with this visa. If international
students are completing a Masters degree or a Doctorate family members have unrestricted work rights, too. To keep a student visa the student must maintain 80% attendance and fulfil course requirements.
The terms 'University' and 'Degree' are protected in Australia so that only institutions which meet Australia's rigorous quality assurance processes are allowed to use these titles. Under the Australian Qualifications Framework all universities that are registered have approx. 4000 formal agreements with universities around the world. Some Australian universities concentrate on traditional areas of learning, whilst others are more vocational. All combine tuition with research.The following qualifications are available at Australian universities and at approved higher education providers. Tuition fees vary between AUD $9,000 and AUD $18,500 per year.
We provide multiple programs free of charge for international students, if they appoint us as their agent. Simply submit your application to us. Students receive free of charge information on Australian education institutions. Either select your courses and study locations or ask for more information. Based on this, students will receive a list of institutes that are best suitable for them within a short period. Therefore students will save valuable searching time.
The decision to undertake further study is a major decision. Choosing the right programme that fits with your educational and career development aims is very important. This decision will have potential to influence your future professional career and your ability to perform in that career.
It is for this reason that around 1100 candidates from over 90 countries join our Postgraduate Programmes each year. Our courses add real value in the labour market and allow you to differentiate yourself.
Our graduates find our programmes challenging, but also invigorating and enjoyable. Whether you are a recent graduate wishing to develop a career path or whether you are an experienced candidate returning to study, there is a course for you.
Around 50% of all international students from over 80 countries are studying at Australian universities.Above all, many nationalities encounter each other because Australia is a very popular country to study in internationally. Moreover the possibility with a working-visa exists to work next to the study and in the semester vacations. One of the most beautiful continents is Australia on the earth and offers optimal options for trips in the semester vacations or after the terminated study.
The terms 'University' and 'Degree' are protected in Australia so that only institutions which meet Australia's rigorous quality assurance processes are allowed to use these titles.In the Australian Qualifications Framework all universities that are registered have nearly 4000 formal agreements with universities around the world. Some Australian universities concentrate on traditional areas of learning, whilst others are more vocational. All combine tuition with research.
Graduate:Â Students applying for Graduate courses (MBA, MS etc) must submit an official transcript from each university or college that they have attended after secondary school with complete details of the subjects, credits involved and other details such as correspondence courses, diplomas etc.
Many universities ask for the transcript to be sealed in an envelope and signed and attested across the seal by the registrar. This course of action is to be done for each and every higher learning institution that you have attended. Some universities may ask for several transcripts, however, most require only one.If the transcripts are in a non-English language, then it must be translated into English only by the issuing authority or university, otherwise it may not be acceptable.
Postgraduate Courses in Australia: Postgraduate Research Courses - There are two main types of postgraduate study: by coursework and by research. Many staff at Australian Universities are internationally renowned in their field of research and maintain strong contacts with industry and academic peers both in Australia and overseas.
Research Courses
- Doctor of Education (EdD)
- Doctor of Health Services Management (DHSM)
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Master in Rural Science (MRurSc)
- Master of Administrative Leadership with Honours (MAdminLead(Hons))
- Master of Arts with Honours (MA(Hons))
- Master of Counselling with Honours (MCouns(Hons))
- Master of Economics (MEc)
- Master of Education with Honours (MEd(Hons))
- Master of Engineering Science
- Master of Health Management with Honours (MHM(Hons))
- Master of Laws (LLM))
- Master of Music with Honours (MMus)
- Master of Nursing with Honours (MNurs(Hons))
- Master of Resource Science
- Master of Science
- Master of Urban and Regional Planning with Honours (MUrbRegPlan(Hons))
Postgraduate Coursework Courses
Australian Universities are proud of their postgraduate programs, offered across all faculties of the university to suitable candidates. Australian postgraduate programs are internationally recognised for their excellence in research and for the quality and career mobility of their graduates.
Postgraduate study aims to broaden students' knowledge from undergraduate studies, extend professional skills and allow people to change career directions.
Coursework Courses
- Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) (BHSc(Hons))
- Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
- Doctor of Psychology (DPsych)
- Graduate Certificate in Adult Education and Training (GradCertAdEd&Trng)
- Graduate Certificate in Arts
- Graduate Certificate in Behaviour Management (GradCertBehMgt)
- Graduate Certificate in Computer Science (GradCertCompSc)
- Graduate Certificate in E-Commerce (GradCertE-Com)
- Graduate Certificate in Education Studies (Middle Years Schooling)
- Graduate Certificate in Educational Management (GradCertEdMgmt)
- Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science
- Graduate Certificate in Gifted and Talented Education (GradCertGift&TalEd)
- Graduate Certificate in Health Management (GradCertHM)
- Graduate Certificate in Information Technology (GradCertInfoTech)
- Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Nursing
- Graduate Certificate in Natural Resources (GradCertNatRes)
- Graduate Certificate in Rural Science (GradCertRurSc)
- Graduate Certificate in TESOL (GradCertTESOL)
- Graduate Certificate in World Music (GradCertWrldMus)
- Graduate Certificate of Management
- Graduate Diploma in Adult Education and Training (GradDipAdEd&Trng)
- Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Economics (GradDipAgEc)
- Graduate Diploma in Business Studies (GradDipBusStud)
- Graduate Diploma in Computer Science (GradDipCompSc)
- Graduate Diploma in Econometrics (GradDipEconometrics)
- Graduate Diploma in Economics (GradDipEc)
- Graduate Diploma in Education (GradDipEd)
- Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies (TESOL) (Grad Dip EdSt)
- Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (GradDipFinMgt)
- Graduate Diploma in Geographic Information Science
- Graduate Diploma in Gerontology (GradDipGer)
- Graduate Diploma in Health Management (GradDipHM)
- Graduate Diploma in Humanities (GradDipHumanities)
- Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (GradDipInfoTech)
- Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies (GradDipLegStuds)
- Graduate Diploma in Local, Family and Applied History(GradDipLocFamAppHist)
- Graduate Diploma in Management
- Graduate Diploma in Natural Resources (GradDipNatRes)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Community Health) (GradDipNurs)
- Graduate Diploma in Rural Science (GradDipRurSc)
- Graduate Diploma in Science (GradDipSc)
- Graduate Diploma in Social Science (GradDipSocSc)
- Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning (GradDipUrbRegPlan)
- Master in Agriculture (MAgr)
- Master of Administrative Leadership (MAdminLead)
- Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics) (MA(AppLing))
- Master of Arts (MA)
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Commerce (MCom)
- Master of Computer Studies
- Master of Counselling (MCouns)
- Master of Economic Studies (MEcSt)
- Master of Education (MEd)
- Master of Educational Administration
- Master of Educational Administration with Honours
- Master of Environmental Management
- Master of Geographic Information Science
- Master of Health Management (MHM)
- Master of Health Science (Gerontology) (MHSc)
- Master of Health Science with Honours
- Master of Natural Resources
- Master of Nursing (MNurs)
- Master of Professional Studies (MPS)
- Master of Professional Studies with HonoursMPS(Hons))
- Master of Psychology (MPsych)
- Master of Science in Agriculture (MScAg)
- Master of Scientific Studies
- Master of Training and Development
- Professional Doctorate in Science
Postgraduate Australia - Testimonials
Postgraduate Study in Australia - Master of Science by Research
Postgraduate Study in Australia implies a deeper look into a specific topic. Postgraduate Study finish with award of the Master Degree. The Master Degree is in most cases the prerequisite for access to the research oriented Doctoral Level.
Student Testimonial - University of the Sunshine Coast
Home Country: Colombia
Master of Science by Research
Dafna Angel thoroughly researched her decision to study outside her home country of Colombia. Firstly, she narrowed down which country she wanted to study in. Dafna says Australia has three characteristics that are difficult to find anywhere else; sub-tropical weather, a developed country with 'first world' facilities and nice people.
Environmental issues also played a part in her decision to study in Australia. "Australia, especially Queensland, has a very good background in wildlife conservation and applied management plans," Dafna says.
Dafna then narrowed down her choice of University by location.
"Once in Queensland, why not be close to some nice beaches? The Sunshine Coast sounded perfect," she says.
Once at USC, Dafna found the University offered not only a great learning environment, but also excellent academic and social support.
"USC staff and teachers are helpful and approachable," she says.
"For me, this is one of the main characteristics and benefits of a small university."
Support from staff has also helped Dafna achieve academically.
"You get to know the staff easily and you are treated as a person, not as a number," Dafna says.
"The staff at USC are also very helpful and patient with non-native English speakers."
Gaining language skills and cultural insight were the main aims of Dafna wanting to study in Australia.
"I consider that I am going to achieve those goals and better assist my country in the future, " she says.
Socialising is an important part of the international experience and Dafna has found plenty of activities to keep her busy.
"I am involved in the postgraduate association and I practice yoga at the Uni."
"I think that these are good opportunities to live the Australian culture," she says.
"I would recommend USC to others from my home country - Colombia - for the facilities offered, the nice area and the kindness of the people."