Study a Bachelor Degree in Australia - Bachelor in Australia with Go To Australia
Bachelor Degree in Australia
A Bachelor Degree in Australia is generally an Undergraduate Course offered through a University or other Higher Education provider, like some TAFE's or Colleges. It can also be the name of a Postgraduate Course which is also offered through Australian Universities or other Higher Education provider.
Bachelor Degrees will go for three years full time study and is generally completed after a student has completed Year 12 at High School and is the first course you will study in your University journey.
There can also be the addition of Honours which will help you finish Masters Degrees quicker if you choose to go on to this. Honours will mean an extra year of study at University. Honours are generally for those who wish to go down the track of studying a Postgraduate course in the future.

Bachelor Australia - Study a Bachelor Degree in Australia
Bachelor Degree Requirements
Successful completion of a two-year degree at a recognised institution and English competence.
Three ‘Ordinary’ level passes (min. grade C) and two ‘Advanced’ level passes (min. of one C and one D grade) in the Brunei Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) and English competence.
British Columbia Year 12. Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma (Grade 12) with C+ and English competence. 2003 onwards, Ontario Grade 12. Ontario Secondary School Diploma with a minimum average of 70% in six Ontario Academic Courses (OAC) and English competence of 60%.
One year of a Bachelor’s degree at a recognised university or Completion of the Chinese National University Entrance Examination (cutoff score for Gao Kao will vary according to provinces and courses) for admission to key universities for a four-year degree program, and university entry IELTS.
Completion of the Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du Second Degre’/Diplome de Bachelier de L’Enseignement du Decond Degre or Baccalaureat de Technologique (high school leaving certificate) at a Lycees (senior secondary school) and English Competence.
Completion of the Abitur/Zeugnis der Allegmeinen Hochschulreife or Reifezeugnis (secondary school leaving certificate) at Gymnasium including English or separate English competence.
Hong Kong
Three passes in HKCEE (min. grade C) and two passes in HKALE (min. of one C and one D grade) and English competence (Grade C in English Syllabus B).
All India Senior School Certificates awarded by the Central Board of Secondary Education with an average of 65% in four subjects, one of which must be English or separate English competence or Higher School Certificate awarded by one of the State Secondary Schools Board or Indian School Certificate (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations) with an average of 65% in five subjects, one of which must be English or separate evidence of English competence.
Completion of one or two years of a Bachelor degree at a recognised institution or STTB/SMU 3 with an average score of 8.0 or above in four academic subjects from a Private (Key) Senior Secondary School and English competence.
International Baccalaureate
Full International Baccalaureate with a minimum total of 24 points from six subjects at one sitting. Three of the subjects must be at the higher level and one of the six subjects should be English.
Successful completion of first year of a Gakushi (Bachelor’s degree) at a recognised institution, and English competence.
Successful completion of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with a minimum average grade of B or better obtained in eight subjects (including English, Kiswahili and Maths) and English competence.
Completion of Academic Secondary School Certificate with a score of 300 (75%) in the National University Entrance Examination (College Scholastic Ability Test) (CSAT) and university entry IELTS or Successful completion of one of two years of a Bachelor degree at a recognised university.
Successful completion of the first year of a Bachelor degree at University of Kuwait and English competence.
Two Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan (Malay medium) (STPM) passes (prior 2003 – min. one C and one D grade) (2003 onwards – min. one B and one C+ grade) and three credit passes at SPM level and English competence or Completion of the Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary Schools Unified Examination in at least five subjects with two ‘A’ grades and two ‘B’ grades and English competence.
Three ‘Ordinary’ level passes (min. grade C) and two ‘Advanced’ level passes (min. of one C and one D grade). in the Cambridge Higher School Certificate and English competence.
New Zealand
Completion of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) with a minimum of 42 credits at Level 3 or above, achieving a minimum of 8 credits at Level 2 or higher in English, with at least 4 credits in Reading and 4 credits in Writing.
Successful completion of three years of upper secondary education at a videregaende skole including foundation course, advanced course I, advanced course II and the subject areas Norwegian, English, History & social Studies, Mathematics, Natural Sciences with a pass in English or with separate evidence of English competence.
Successful completion of one year of a degree at Sultan Qaboos University and English competence.
Completion of the Higher Secondary School Certificate of Intermediate (Division 1) with an average of 65% in four (4) academic subjects, and at least 60% in English or Successful completion of the first year of a three-year Honours degree with grades above 50% or B or two-year pass degree at a recognised institution and English competence or Successful completion of the first year of a fouryear degree in a professional field at a recognised institution, and English competence.
Completion of first year of a four-year Bachelor’s degree at the top 8 universities and English competence or First year of a four-year degree with an average grade between 1.00 and 2.00 (between A and B or 85%) at a recognised institution and English competence.
Successful completion of the first year of a Bachelor degree at University of Qatar and English competence.
Saudi Arabia
Successful completion of the first year of a four-year Bachelor degree at a recognised institution, and English competence.
Three ‘Ordinary’ level passes (min. grade C) and two ‘Advanced’ level passes (min. of one C and one D grade) in the General Certificate of Education (GCE) and English competence.
Sri Lanka
Three ‘Ordinary’ level passes with minimum grades of credit and two ‘Advanced’ level passes with minimum grades of C in the Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education (GCE) issued by the Department of Examinations and English competence.
A Slutbetyg or Avangsbetyg from a gymnasium (upper upper secondary school) including English, or separate evidence of English competence.
Successful completion of the National Taiwan University Entrance Examination and university entry IELTS or Successful completion of the first year of a four-year Bachelor degree at a recognised institution and English competence.
Successful completion of one year of a Bachelor’s degree at a recognised institution and English competence.
United Arab Emirates
Successful completion of the first year of a degree at United Arab Emirates University and English competence.
United Kingdom
Three general Certificate of Education (GCE) ‘Ordinary’ level passes or three General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) passes (min grade C) and two advanced level passes (min of one C and one D grade) in the GCE, including Grade C or better in ‘O’ level English, English Literature or English Language or separate evidence of
English competence.
A High School diploma with average grade of B or better and a combined score in the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) of 1000/1600 (not less than 460 in the verbal component) or Successful completion of the first year of a four-year Bachelor degree at a regionally accredited institution.
Completion of the Bang Tu tai or Bang Tot nghiep Pho thong Trung hoc with an average of at least 80% in four core academic subjects and English competence or successful completion of one year of a Bachelor’s degree at a recognised university and English competence.
Three General Certificate of Education (GCE) ‘Ordinary’ level passes or three General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) passes (min grade C) and two ‘Advanced’ level passes (min of one C and one D grade) in the GCE and English competence or Successful completion of the first year of a degree at University of Zambia or The
Copperbelt University and English competence.
Three General Certificate of Education (GCE) ‘Ordinary’ level passes or three General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) passes (min grade C) and two ‘Advanced’ level passes (min of one C and one D grade) in the GCE and English competence or Completion of five (5) Zimbabwe Schools Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) ‘Ordinary’ level passes and three (3) ‘Advanced’ level passes (min grade of C) and English competence or Successful completion of the first year of a degree at University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, University of Rhodesia or University of Zimbabwe and English competence.
Bachelor in Australia
Most students will wish to go on to University for higher educational studies. A lot of school leavers after successful completion of Year 12 will apply for a Bachelor Degree in an Undergraduate Course at an Australian University.
Bachelor Degree's go for three years of full time studies how ever some campus will offer their Bachelor Degree's which can be studied part time or in units for flexible learning.
Flexible learning is becoming more and more popular due to the increase in Mature Age applicants who may wish to work at the same time or who have families to care for at home.
Bachelor Degree's are so popular due to the range of different subjects that can be studied, including specialist or broader subjects in fields such as Business, The Arts, Education, Science, Information Technology, Communication, Media the list goes on.
You can find out more here.
If there is a subject that is wished to be studied no doubt it will be a Bachelor Degree.
After completion of the Degree there will be the opportunity to go on and study a Graduate Certificate and Diploma also through University to help clarify your new found skills.
Bachelor Degrees in Australia - When commencing an Undergraduate course in an Australian University, you will be most likely to be studying a Bachelor Degree.
Bachelor degree (pass): initial preparation for professional careers and postgraduate study, involving a minimum of three years full-time study. Entrance requires completion of an Australian Secondary School Certificate of Education (Year 12) or overseas equivalent, a Diploma or Advanced Diploma.
Bachelor degree (honours): may be taken as an additional year following the third year or awarded on achievement in degrees of four years or more.
To be able to gain access into a Bachelor Degree you will require successful completion of Year 12, have studied in a relative field and have significant work experience in the field you are wishing to study, or be of mature age and willing to undertake a Going Back to Study course which many Universities provide.
You will be studying full time for 3 years which includes 6 semesters of full time study. A Bachelor Degree will help prepare you for your future career, giving you the skills you will require in your chosen field as well as preparing you for Postgraduate courses if you wish to go on to this.